In MONIKI on October, 28th 2011, the scientific Conference of the Central State District (CSD) "Laser technologies in medicine - we look ahead" has taken place. The Conference has been devoted problems of the further development of laser methods, devices and technologies for diagnostics and treatment of diseases. There were discussed some problems of interaction of representatives both of medical&biological and physics&technical sciences for carrying out of a wide range of perspective joint scientific researches and developments of applied as well as fundamental plan, including under the aegis of recently created Russian Technological Platform "Fotonika" in a direction «Fotonika in medicine and sciences on a life» ("Biofotonika"). Organizers of the Conference are: Coordination council on public health services of CSD, Ministry of Health of the Government of Moscow Region, the Ministry of the industry and a science of Moscow Region, GU MONIKI n.a. M.F.Vladimirskiy, the Troitsk centre of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laser Association and coordination council of the Russian Technological Platform "Fotonika" in a direction "Biofotonika". At the Conference the invited reports of leading medical and technical experts of CSD in the field of lasers in medicine have been presented. Within the limits of the Conference an exhibition of laser medical equipment has also taken place. Working language - Russian. It is possible to familiarise with the final report of the Conference here (in Russian only, sorry). How to reach in MONIKI it is possible to look here.