On the first of January 2014 our laboratory was 5 years old!  It is not really big age for creation of serious scientific laboratory of world-level from zero, however it is possible to give some formal scientometric indicators of activity of our laboratory for these 5 years. 54 scientific articles in the central reviewed scientific magazines and proceedings, including 12 abroad were published. The index of citing of our publications on data of RINTc system is about 550. It were submitted and received 12 patents for inventions. 10 grants, including 1 European grant in the frame of European FP-7 program were won. Fundamental nature of our researches is proved by 4 grants of the Russian Foundation of Scientific Research. In total for these 5 years we executed 89 researches and their fragments with various clinics of our institute and the external organizations. 5 bachelors were let out, 1 master was prepared, handed over candidate exams of 2 postgraduate students, 1 researcher defended the Ph.D. dissertation.